Welcome to the 123 Ocean!
Submit guest posts in our blog for Business, Fashion, Beauty, Travel, Technology, Health, Fitness, Sports, Photography and Food etc.
We always appreciate & welcome new perspectives and unique ideas. If you’re genuinely interested to submit the article or looking for a platform that accepts the guest posts then you’re at right place. Here you can choose your topic precisely. Here we publish the innovative ideas, trends & news for Business, technology, digital marketing, web development, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, health, fitness, nutrition, travel, photography, wedding, sports, food, and drinks etc.
Note: Your submitted article will be publish after review. Article must not previously published anywhere online.
Submission Guidelines:
- Content should be 100% unique & fresh without any grammatical & spelling mistakes.
- The minimal length of the article should be more than 700 words.
- Use proper Headings, Subheading, and bullet points.
- The article should have at least one feature image (You can share more pictures according to the blog points). These should be unique.
- Do proper keyword research before writing content and use long-tail keywords.
- You may include only one link to your website. And links to internal post and high authority sites like Wikipedia.
- We do not accept adult/sexual content.
If you are interested to write a guest post to 123ocean.com or have any specific questions & queries, Please contact us on info.123ocean@gmail.com