Top 10 Laundry App Development Tips and Tricks

Services like a cab, laundry, or dry cleaning have turned out to be successful on-demand apps. There are several on-demand laundry apps like Cleanly or Laundry app. These apps are dominating the market.   This market is constantly expanding. Hence this is the perfect time to dive into it. If you are looking to own a laundry app then you are in the right place. In this guest post, we will discuss the tips and tricks that can help you develop a flawless laundry app.

How a Laundry App Works?

This is the first question that must be answered. These apps are available for both IOS and Android. A user will register and fix a date for laundry service using the calendar. The owner will get a notification and will try to fix it in their schedule. The owner will then confirm the request of the customer. The ick-up person will come to your doorway to get the dirty clothes. Then the clothes are sent to the laundry where they are washed, dry, and ironed. They will return the clothes wrapped in paper.

Tips And Tricks

Now as you know how a laundry app works, You will discover more here for Laundry App Development services. We will now focus on the 10 best tips for your app.

Log-in page
The first page is the login or registration page. It will allow the user to create a profile. Try to keep it simple and attractive. As this page will be the first impression. Therefore stick to the basics and make it easy to use.

Chat support is important for a successful laundry app. Without a proper chatting interface, you can’t communicate with your customers. There shouldn’t be any third-party app involved in the communication process.

Payment Options
Offering multiple payment options is always a great idea. Options are always appreciated. You can also allow the users to split the payment. That will help them to pay via different payment options.

Track Your Orders
The customers should be able to track their orders. You can integrate GPS with your app to provide real-time order tracking. This will keep the users updated about their orders. This will also increase the transparency between you and your customer.

Easy Cancellation Process
There could be some reasons that a customer wants to cancel the order. Hence provide an easy cancellation process. This will encourage the customer to use your services next time.

You can provide discount coupons to your regular customers. A good deal will always attract more customers. You can also offer a discount t the user using your app for the first time. This will increase the number of new customers and will also help you to retain them.

Ask For a Feedback
Constant communication with your customer can help you win their trust. Therefore it is essential to ask for feedback. They can give their reviews on your service, laundryman, or the serviceman.

Keeping a track of your activities is very important. An analysis will help you to introspect the performance of the app. You can keep the track of your service person on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Understanding the app’s performance can help you in making it better. You will know the areas of concern. This can make your app better than ever.

Platform Selection
Selecting the right platform for your app is also essential. The platform you choose will directly affect the total cost of the application. For example, app creation on android can take more time hence it will be time-consuming and costly. But the majority of smartphone users are using the android platform. Hence the choice must be thoroughly revised.

App Complexity
The complexity of an app can be determined by the number of features in it. An app having basic features will take less time and will be budget-friendly. But an app with detailed features can be more complex and hence you must pay more. It takes almost 800 hours to develop an Android app and 750 hours to develop an IOS app. The app will be developed in different sections. Each section will take a specific amount of time to be completed. It is therefore very important to select the features of your app according to your budget.


Final Takeaways

These were the top ten tricks and tips that can help you create a successful laundry app.  A customized and innovative on-demand app can help you grow your laundry business at an insane rate. Although the competition is very stiff, if you can develop an app that is unique and easy to use, you can stand apart. The world is using smartphones for business and this is the time to bring your business online. You can set your requirements and hire an app developing company. The company must be able to fulfill your desires. So, don’t be late and create your on-demand laundry app.

Author Bio:- Hermit Chawla is a MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Global Clients. He love to share his thoughts on Web & App Development, Clone App Development and Game Development