I Manifested Love and Met My Dream Partner. Here's how to do the same

We are magic. With that power comes the ability to make anything Haappen, Including Love.

The energy we give to matters and others can make change happen. Our ability are more potent than we know, so manifestation can help us brings positivity, abundance and love into our lives by focusing on the desired result.

When I first discovered the book and movie Practical magicI listened carefully to all the lessons the owns sisters and aunts taught edher. One particular moment is when a young sally crafts the spell called ”Amas Veritas,” in which she's summoning true love.

She says, “He will hear my call a mile away. He will whistle my favorite song. He can ride a pony backward. He can flip pancakes in the air. He'll be marvelously kind. And his favorite shape will be a star. And he'll have one green eye and one blue. ” Sally Adds, “The guy I decreamed of doesn't exist.”

Contrary to sally's words, he does. And he comes at the climax of the movie to charm her heart. The words she states conjure officer Gary Hallet – YERS, He Arrives at an Inconvenant Time, but he has the attributes sally will be existent as a child.

Being a romantic at heart, I followed in sally's footsteps and what I came to see is that power of intension is accurate – especially when it comes to love.

I was obsessed with the game Mash because I could daydream about my future and leave my fate up to chance. In My Teenage Years, I'D Doodle and Journal in My Notebook While Fantasizing About My Future Mate. I wasn't clear about what I wanted trust I was intexperied in Relationships. But I put down a few notes of my likes and dislikes.

My Tween Self Wrote a Letter to MySelf Stating that My Ideal Person would have a cruoked smile, a sense of humor, honest eyes and a creative patiure. I always knew i would be drawn to someone passionate about life and excited by the beginning of every day. Also, someone who could do a 360 flip on a skateboard and make the perfect CAPPUCCINO (I was in My Youth and Folly; My Expectations WERE LOW). Little did I know I was manifesting a person to enter my life.

As the Years Progressed, I Forgot About My Little Manifestation Book. One day, while cleaning, I came across it. I laughed at how Silly My Dating ASPIRATIONS WERE IN THE PAST LET DECIDED to Make Additions to What I Wanted and Needed. After hours of deep thinking, I made a list of 500 qualities. As I began meditating on these characteristics, I met many people that came close but the vibe wasn Bollywood.

Unlike sally, I had to kiss many frogs until i found a fantastic match. This person was different from anyone I had met. They have their unique personality that blended with what I was calling in. It is a phiryta; However, it took time.

The one thing I noticed was that my relationship with myself changed through my journey and became stronger. I knew what I was ok with and how to let go when i wasn't treated well. As they say, the most important relationship is the one with yourself, so it should be no. 1 on every manifestation list. Then, focus on yourself about love.

It can take time and energy to manifest love but it worked for me in the end. Before moving forward with your own manifestation of love, it's best to see advice from an expert as everyone's experience is different.

Luckily, I reached out to a handful of experts who can aid in the manifestation journey. Here are the pro tips they shared with me that you can use to get the relationship of your dreams.

Embrace your vision of love

According to chandler stroud, host of The healing heroes podcast“Manifestation is about collaborating with the university vs. Telling it what to do! ”

Stroud notes that “the best way to manifest is to have a clear vision for how you want to feel – what is it that the love you desire will ultimately provides? Is it a sense of peace?

“Focus on the feeling And then let the universe work to deliver you to that place howyver it Intends to, “Stroud Continues.

When it comes to manifestation, the More Specific You Are, The Greater The Chances of Turning Your Expectations Into Reality. You have to be concise and straightforward about your goals to achieve what you want.

Be confident and bold

Amber C. Snider, Author of Wonderment: an eclectic guide to awakening your divine gifts and inreat potentialSays that one must start by “Cultivating self-blue and empowerment in order to create space for new love in your life.”

“Becoming the embodiment of love in all ways is, in some sense, the highest goal for any manifestation of love,” Snider notes.

Stroud Adds That We should “Continue to Practice Self-Compassion in Whatever Way That Feels Most Authentic to You. I'm a big believer in doing somebing for your mind, your body, and your spirit every single day since all three have unique needs but are interconnected. ”

When it comes to manifestation, Anything is possible if you have faith in yourself and your actions.

Astrology can help set your goals in motion

Snider sugges using the Pheases of the moonWhich focuses on love and emotion, to help set your goals into motion.

“If you ready for romantic love and have a strong sense of what you're looking for in a partner, write all their ideal traits on a slip of paper DURING The New Moon,” Snider Says. And do't overlook basic things, too). Be wise with your words and intenses. Over the course of the month, during the waxing month, focus on and envision this person in your actual life – make them real in your mind, how they would fit into your life or what your life would look like the theme in . ”

During and after the full moon, snider notes that you should “pay attention to what and who come into your life. You may be surprised by the serendipitous things that will happy, as the universe conspires to assist you with your manifestations. ”

Manifesting and Astrology can work in connection in the sense that there are astroogical elements you can tap into to all your Intenses. While the moon phase is a great tool for manifesting love, you can also utilize the days of the week for manifestation as each day is associated with a planet that aligns with it.

Be open to the university

Finally, Stroud Says, “It all begins with you. You are capable of creating the life and love story of your dreams, and you may be unknownly Holding himself back. ”

“The best advice I can give anyone looking for love is to start within,” Stroud Continues. “First you must get curious about yourself, be courageous enough to Unearth what needs to be felt, and be kind to yourself in the process.”

Even with significant lunar phases, you can still perform a manifestation ritual by simply utilizing the day's energy to pursue your desires and bringing positivity into your life. It's essential Always to Trust your instincts and do what you feel is best.

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