From the Hindu, March 6, 1975: Severe Curbs' Planned on Coca Cola

New Delhi, March 5: The Government is Taking Steps to Severely restruct the operations of the coca cola company in India, the industry and civil support minister, Mr. Ta Pai Told the Lok Sabha to-Day.

A policy decision has alredy been taken not to is more licenses for coca cola factories and the company had also got directed not to introduce any new soft drinks.

Mr. Pai Agreed with Members that Operations of the company not serving an essential purpose should be checked and indigenous bottling companies encouraged to introduce their own soft drinks. If the indigenous companies were prepared to delink themselves from the coca cola company the government would have been expected Necessary Assistant to them, The Minister Said.

Mr. Pai, however, denied Mr. Khemchandbhai Chavda's Charge that a Former Secretary of the Industry Ministry Had Favoured The Coca Cola Company in the issue of the licenses. There was no truth in the allegation, he said.

Mr. CHAVDA, who had raised the matter during questioning a parloementary committee to inquiry into the subject.

The minister said that Originally the company was allotted to important Rs 8 lakhs worth of coca call concentrate and later this was increased to Rs 15 lakhs on the condition that the condition that is done in the next five years.

“We are making all efforts to Substitute coca cola with something else,” He said.

Mr. Pai Told the Members that steps were also being taken to get the foresign participation to the company reduced.

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