Published: October 11th 2010
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It's great to have a local show you round and Anna has been taking me around the sights of Perth today. Great to see some old buildings have been preserved amidst the soaring modern ones. There is quite a bit of digging up main roads and new developments but in spite of that you can see what a lovely city it is with its parks along the Swan River… a lovely Bell Tower has the bells from St Martins in the Field …so lovely to hear them chiming out. There is a very nice re-develop area in East Perth – lots of cafes, restos POSH EXPENSIVE houses and apts. We walked around – also saw some aboriginal stones representing a dream journey.
Always looking for a cheapo or a bargain as you know – I was thrilled to find that free buses run all over the city where you want to go visiting – so we have been hopping on and off all day.
Short blog today as last night's blog published today was a bit long and I don't want to tax you too much or you will get sick of me rambling on.
Am using Bill's computer – so I have to figure out how to get some photos transferred from my camera via my bay compy via a USB stock – blah blah blah. I might have figured that out by tomorrow.
So bye for now – time for the barbie.
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