Carlsbad Caverns Travel Blog


Carlsbad Cavern SignCarlsbad Cavern Sign

Don and I at the entrance to the visitor center

Greetings from Carlsbad, NM! We made it here yesterday from El Paso, Texas. It was an easy 160 mile day. We are staying at the Carlsbad RV Park just outside of Carlsbad. It is an OK park. There are lot's of oil workers staying here. Many are from Texas. It's been a little hot here. In the mid 90's but it is supposed to cool down a little on Tuesday, the day we leave. We went to the cavern today. It was 92 degrees outside and 56 degrees inside. I wore long pants and a sweatshirt and was comfortable. There are a few tours that you can take but due to my physical restrictions we settled on the Big Room Route which takes you down into and out of the cave by elevator. Then you do a self guided tour at your own pace. This tour covers 8.2 acres but the trail is only about 1 mile. I was able to walk it at my own pace stopping from time to time but I made it. It was well worth the walk. The pictures that I took do not do it justice. If you ever get the chance, you need


Somewhere inside the Big Room.

to come see this for yourself. It is truly amazing what Mother Nature and God have created. I kept telling Don that it felt like we were on a ride at Disneyland.

We are going to visit some family in Odessa, TX on Tuesday so we are staying one more day here tomorrow leaving on Tuesday. That said I guess tomorrow will be a cleaning day. Yuk! At least I get to sleep in! Hope all is well with all of you. Talk soon.



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